According to Allison Mahoney, a former assistant prosecutor in the Bronx who handled cases involving human trafficking and corruption, criminal night court sessions are exclusively used for preliminary court proceedings—like arraignments, where people who have been arrested hear their charges in court ...
Scherer wrote about cases involving the seizing illicit proceeds of and combating ransomware attacks. Zagaris covered the guilty plea by the director and promoter of BitConnect for its participative in a massive fraud conspiracy. Formaggi discussed China’s declaration of all cryptocurrency transactions ...
Federal courts preside over matters involving U.S. Federal law, disputes between states, and cases where the U.S. government is a party. Federal court cases include immigration, federal crimes, bankruptcy, intellectual property, and securities regulation. Federal court records are accessible online ...
Human rights watchdog Freedom House released areportin February 2021 finding that transnational repression is becoming a “normal” phenomenon. Since 2014, the project compiled 608 direct physical cases of transnational repression in which 31 origin states are conducting transnational repression in 79 hos...
With the stroke of a pen, Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans set June 1 as the start of the new Prostitution and Trafficking Intervention Court. Evans said state law already treats prostitution as a misdemeanor, and not a felony. The new intervention
Chinese maritime courts have heard cases related to the Hanjin bankruptcy as well as large numbers of cases involving ship crew. Challenges for the Chinese courts in hearing cross border cases: encountering many “blank spaces” in Chinese legislation; conflict of laws with neighboring countries. ...
is linked to the likely increasing number of cases involving judicial review of arbitration matters, linked to the increasing number of arbitrations involving Chinese parties (and the One Belt One Road initiative) both in China and elsewhere in the world, including Hong Kong International Arbitration...
are funneling more resources into cases involving Native women, including human trafficking and murders. Chasing Horse was born on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, which is home to the Sicangu Sioux, one of the seven tribes of the Lakota nation. Copyrig...
The officer, Jatonya Clayborn Muldrow, was a sergeant who worked in the St. Louis Police Department’s intelligence division on public-corruption and human-trafficking cases from 2008 to 2017. She said she was transferred without warning out of the intelligence division and replaced with a man....
The rulings reflect the outer limits of a multi-decade trend in which the Supreme Court has consistently issued arbitration-friendly decisions, encouraging the resolution of arbitrable matters without involving the courts. It is likely that challenges to arbitrability based on conflicting contracts and...