You know, it's crazy: I feel like I enjoy it, but then I also can still get stressed out and have my nerves, even if I've been doing this for 14-plus years because I actually, the first time I ever did an immigration court case was when I was a law student at U of H. I...
He explained that one can argue that the merger of the two message categories would impact latency. This is because telcos need to deliver certain messages like OTPs quickly. “But that has nothing to with the message category. I can tomorrow very well do a, let’s say, OTP timeline for ...
Case: 3:23-cv-00156-MJN-PBS Doc #: 90 Filed: 01/10/24 Page: 1 of 89 PAGEID #: 1215 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO DAYTON DIVISION DAYTON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, et al., Plaintiffs, v. XAVIER BECERRA, et al., Defendants. No. 3:23-cv...
Both innocent and guilty of specific charges, Kirk’s commitment to Starfleet never wavered but rather faced moral conflict against greater loyalties. With such violations and penalties potentially resulting in loss of standing, or even life, each case carried heavy implications and consequences. Here...