Delivery times for translations vary depending on length, language combination and content, so it’s impossible to give a standard timeline. But thanks to the efficiency of Espresso Translations, we complete 90% of legal document translations within 10 days of the request. For urgent situations, ...
judicial “artificial intelligence.”For lawyers involved in cross-border cases, query when this will also imply the use of apostilles rather than the current system of notarization and consularization, as well as a more timely integration of other Chinese court procedures with those prevalent...
procedures, such as proof concerning the identity of the party and authorization of its representative. (These issues are linked to the fact that China has not yet signed the Hague “Apostille Convention” (see myearlierblogpost) and has not yet created an analogous procedure for Hong Kong and...
Document Authentication (including Issuance of Apostilles and Certificates Skip Traces, DMV Searchers On-call Notaries Non-Military Affidavits CONTACT LONG ISLAND OFFICE Court Support, Inc. 265 Post Avenue, Suite 150 Westbury, N.Y. 11590 ...
(These issues are linked to the fact that China has not yet signed the Hague “Apostille Convention” (see my earlier blogpost) and has not yet created an analogous procedure for Hong Kong and Macau); Improving training of foreign-related legal personnel through implementing an exchange policy ...
On the topic of my own presentation, my suggestion that China (mainland) accede to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Apostille Convention) was reported in the official press. Some thoughts on my own experience on the CICC Expert Committee ...
procedures, such as proof concerning the identity of the party and authorization of its representative. (These issues are linked to the fact that China has not yet signed the Hague “Apostille Convention” (see myearlierblogpost) and has not yet created an analogous procedure for Hong Kong and...
In the future, the cross-border circulation of documents between China and contracting states of the convention will no longer require the traditional "dual authentication" process. Instead, a new one-step certification model based on the Apostille certificate will be implemented under the framework ...
In the future, the cross-border circulation of documents between China and contracting states of the convention will no longer require the traditional "dual authentication" process. Instead, a new one-step certification model based on the Apostille certificate will be implemented under the framework ...
Hong Kong Apostille (from internet) In February, 2017, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued its second judicial transparency white paper, giving the official version of what the SPC has done to respond to public demands for greater transparency about the Chinese judicial system. But what ...