Please referCONTRIBUTING.mdfor contribution guidelines. Please feel free to raise any genuine issue you may have, however, it has been noticed that few people open empty issues to raise their GitHub contribution on their account. Such spammers will be blocked. You are welcome to contribute, pleas...
Study on the go on our mobile app Huge bank of past exam papers and resources ACCA and BPP work together in collaboration to deliver a range of programmes that allow students and members to gain those all-important skills which will make them stand apart from the crowd, stay ahead of their...
Learn how to update financial models to make them easier to read, avoid problems like circular references, and build in advanced tools like scenario analysis Free access to course materials for one month Duration : 3.5 hours on-demand video Rating : 4.5 Sign up Here 7. Financial Modeling for...
Financial Engineering Coursera Plus View more details Mar 10th 2025 Course Auditing Coursera Columbia University Business Economics & Finance Intermediate 5-12 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week 66.00 EUR English English Optimization Methods in Asset Management (Coursera) This course focuses on app...
The CFA® Program syllabus focuses on 10 key topics which increase in complexity throughout the three levels: Ethical and Professional Standards Quantitative Methods Economics Financial Reporting and Analysis Corporate Finance Equity Investments Fixed Income ...
These courses give the students the foundation to be able to assess any financial asset. They are taught how to value stocks and bonds and a large part of the course is devoted to valuing an entire company. It is a very interactive and hands-on program, and all these concepts taught ar...
The Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria Online Course is offered on the edX platform and has a duration of 16 weeks. The science course is taught by Alberto Salleo who is the Professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Upon completion of the course, learners will receive...
EdX has a good variety of courses on financial topics. Some popular courses are Financial Market Analysis by the International Monetary Fund, Foundations of Modern Finance by MIT, and Financial Accounting by MIT. These courses provide a rigorous introduction to the key areas of finance. You’ll ...
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