Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent4.8 | Specialization | Beginner | 4 Courses | 49 Hours | Coursera Plus The State University of New YorkImproving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations4.4 | Specialization | Beginner | 4 Courses | 36 Hours | Coursera Plus Rice University...
Welcome to studying designed to work around you. Gain the qualifications you want, whenever and wherever you want. Find your perfect course ClearSearch courses or browse categories Popular choices Become a PsychologistBecome a Teaching AssistantBecome a CounsellorBecome a Beauty TherapistBecome a Dog ...
BECOME PART OF THE SOLUTION; TAKE ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES A course to develop your understanding of the environment. It explains the way animals and plants are classified and named, the interrelationships between living things, and basic ecological concepts. Natural environments (forests, water environ...
Requirements:You only need a Piano or a Keyboard Coupon:Get a discount on Intermediate to Advanced Piano Course; Become a Top Pianist course 49. Mixing Audio for Animation in Audacity Subtitle:Learn how to put together the music, dialogue and sound effects in a single mix to use in your an...
In recent years, the international tax planning strategies of multinationals have become a source of – often heated – debate. This course provides learners with the tools to become fully informed participants in the debate by explaining the foundations and practice of international tax law as well...
to practice law in California. I passed the Bar Exam on my first attempt in 2014. I was recipient of the best brief award in the legal writing course during my law school years. I also passed the Patent Bar Exam, which is a pre-requisite to become a patent agent or a patent ...