unemployed, in which recipients are required to pursuestudy ofretrainingcoursesonamandatory basis, with the requirement of attendance rate specified. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我們認為這套 方法可以套用於領取失業綜援的人士身上,改革現時失業綜援的制 度,硬性規定他們必須修讀再培訓課程,甚至可以訂明出席率...
It is difficult to say as the funding arrangements for English courses are very complicated, and they are subject to frequent changes. Unemployed people and people on certain benefits or on low incomes may be entitled to free courses, but most students have to pay at least some fees to atten...
Currently, unemployed thanks to Covid and am not looking. We are preparing for retirement so my wife tells me my job is to sell stuff. She makes a good enough living to support us and we've been frugal for years.Recommendation...to any, is to get involved with an engineering and ...