Calculus for Economics, Commerce and Management from NPTEL★★★(1) Political Sociology from CEC★★★(1) Introduction to Western Political Thought from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati★★★☆☆(1) Economics of Innovation from NPTEL★☆☆☆(1) Cyber Crime Administration from Savitribai Phule...
Sociology Courses Psychology Courses Risk Management Courses Showing1,293 courses Sort by Relevancy RelevancyHighest ratedLowest ratedMost recently added Introduction to Research Ethics: Working with People 45 reviews Find out how to conduct ethical research when working with people with this online course...
Since the development of A-Level, there are nearly 70 courses for students to choose from, providing a broad space for students’ personalized development. Standardization Of the four major English-speaking countries in the Uk, THE US, Canada and Australia, only the UK has a national curriculum...
The ‘Sociology XII Part-I’ online certification course is delivered free of cost for the students in school and is ensured with the course certificate after completion of the program with the final assessment. This basic-level course is organized for twenty-four weeks and by the end of this...
Until the 2024 cutoffs are released, students can check the table below containing the MNIT Jaipur cutoff 2023 for major programmes. MNIT Jaipur B.Tech Cut off Round 6 Academic Program Name Seat Type Gender Opening Rank Closing Rank Architecture OPEN Gender-Neutral 744 2202 OPEN Female-only (...
✔︎ Popular Free Programs: Music, Psychology, Sociology Established in 1865, Cornell University is a privately endowed research university and a State University of New York partner. As the federal land-grant institution in New York, Cornell has a responsibility—unique within the Ivy League—...
Candidates can check below all the major details related to Acharya Bangalore B-School courses and fees. Show Less Acharya Bangalore B-School Fee Structure 2025 The course wise fee structure for Acharya Bangalore B-School courses is listed below: Degree Course Fees Per Semester Eligibility Criteria...
Taught by experts in the field, this course provides insights into psychological research methods and major psychological theories. Students will learn about the brain’s influence on behavior, the role of environment and culture in shaping personality, and the psychological foundations of mental health...
s sociology and anthropology department studies how the culture of zombies has affected humans' social anxieties over time. Similarly, the course “Zombies: Biology of the Undead” atSaint Xavier Universityin Illinois covers the fundamentals of zombie biology. That course is for students who wan...
A major big history MOOC that has disappeared from Coursera is “Sapiens: a brief history of humankind”. However, it is still available on YouTube here : Reply Christopher Johnston 10/9/2023 at 10:40am I would love...