其实python 有内建的 min 和 max 函数可以直接用。 print('maximum is ', max(num_list)) print ... 见闻传奇 🙏谢谢,昨天我问了那上面的助教知道了 赞 回复 北境收养办主任 (Actually...) 2021-12-17 23:48:40 噢对,有五期课程,我上的是第一期,只有第一期是无限免费的,之后的都只有七天免...
Coursera---Programming-for-Everybody-Getting-Started-with-Python-:其中包含密歇根大学在Coursera上针对“每个人的编程(Pytho Al**ne上传180.71 KB文件格式zipRoff Coursera ---适合所有人的编程(Python入门) 其中包含对密歇根大学Coursera上“所有人的编程(Python入门)”测验和作业的所有答案。
Coursera-Python-for-Everybody-Specialization:大家好,我是Brahmajit。 我最近完成了“ Python for Everyone专业化”。 我创建此仓库是为了回馈社区并帮助面临的问题点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 inception-ffhq.pkl 2025-01-19 08:50:47 积分:1 FCOS_imprv_R_50_FPN_1x.pth ...
在线教育网站(Coursera、网易云课堂、腾讯课堂等)有哪些值得推荐的 Python 课程? coursera学习社 曾居墨尔本,现居杭州,bw990099,围观盆友圈 coursera的密歇根大学的Python for Everybody 的Specialization课程是很有声望的,比较适合入门,零基础也可以学。该课程可以申请助学金,有不懂可以问我。 由于是个Specialization的...
[coursera] 首先是密歇根大学的这个系列课,非常适合python玩家入门。2. [coursera] 如果是要往机器学习...
My projects from the awesome Python Course, Python For Everybody taught by the incredible Dr.Charles Severance pythoncourserapython3python-coursecoursera-algorithmscoursera-coursecoursera-assignmentcoursera-pythoncoursera-specialization UpdatedApr 25, 2019 ...
After subscribing to a course or specialization, you'll be charged each month until you earn a certificate in every course in your specialization, or you cancel your subscription. There may be some variation in the prices for courses or specializations due to their continual adjustment of their ...
Python for Everybody Specialization by University of Michigan This is one of the most popular courses on Coursera with close to a million student enrolments and is perhaps the best starting point in your data science journey to learn Python. This specialization is taught by Professor Charles Sever...
TITLE:Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python OUR TAKE:This popular Coursera SQL training has a top rating of 4.7 stars. It introduces relational database concepts so you can perform queries in a data science environment. No prior knowledge is required. ...
If you don't have the necessary Python prerequisites, check out thePython for Everybody Specialization. If you have coding experience in another programming language, you should be able to complete this course (but may need to look upPython syntaxas you go). ...