4️⃣ Excel Skills for Business:你将掌握高级商务Excel技能,学会设计复杂的电子表格,包括专业仪表板,并使用高级Excel功能和技术执行复杂的计算。 5️⃣ Linear Algebra:在线性代数这门课中,你将了解什么是线性代数以及它与向量和矩阵的关系,学习向量和矩阵的使用,包括特征值和特征向量的棘手问题。 6️⃣ ...
Introduction to Linear Algebra and to Mathematics for Machine Learning In this first module we look at how linear algebra is relevant to machine learning and data science. Then we'll wind up the module with an initial introduction to vectors. Throughout, we're focussing on developing your mathe...
Gradient Descent For Linear Regression: Algorithm: This method looks at every example in the entire training set on every step, and is calledbatch gradient descent. Linear Algebra: I have learned liner algebra in my college so I will skip this part in my note. 回到顶部 Week 2: Mutiple Feat...
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) Machine Learning 机器学习:很硬核但也很基础一门课。吴老师讲得很好,练习作业也很不错,我在Coursera上最喜欢的课程之一! 学习机器学习之前可以顺便学一下线性代数,不然machine learning可能容易听不懂。 Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra 超级喜...
图2:University of California, Santa Cruz的 Coding for Everyone: C and C++ 图3:DeepLearning.AI的 Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification 图4:Imperial College London的 Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra 图5:Stanford University的 Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching...
the course. Take the chance to communicate with brilliant minds whenever you have the chance.Homeworks are trivial if you've really devoted yourself to the learnig process and tried to enjoy it, otherwise they'll just be chores and boring to thedeath.I have a memo for this course onZhihu...
https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning Schedule: Week 1 - Due 07/04:DONE Introduction Linear regression with one variable Linear Algebra review (Optional) Week 2 - Due 07/11:DONE Linear regression with multiple variables Octave tutorial ...
(微积分、核函数变换、随机变量、概率论基础、贝叶斯分析、回归分析、线性代数基础、核函数变换、线性代数基) 人工智能前沿技术 大佬重讲OpenCV!这绝对是2024年最好的OpenCV入门教程!不接受任何反驳! AI技术星球 论文分解器:Generalization in deep learning (合集)...
This is the third and final course in the Linear Algebra Specialization that focuses on the theory and computations that arise from working with orthogonal vectors. This includes the study of orthogonal transformation, orthogonal bases, and orthogonal tr