IBM Back-End Development Professional Certificate ['IBM'] IBM后端开发专业证书 21 IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R Professional Certificate ['IBM'] ...
1️⃣ IBM Data Science:通过这门课程,你将能够在短短5个月内掌握入门级数据科学家的技能、工具和投资组合,从而在就业市场上获得竞争优势。无需具备计算机科学或编程语言方面的知识。 2️⃣ Machine Learning:这门课由DeepLearning.AI和斯坦福在线合作创建,适合初学者。你将学习机器学习的基础知识以及如何使用...
Coursera的两位创始人来自斯坦福,是两个计算机系的教授。一位是Daphne Koller, 而另一位就是传说中的Andrew Ng - 吴恩达,曾经的百度首席科学家。Cousera的最大名片,就是吴恩达亲自驻场的课程 -- 《Machine Lea… 在之前的基于内容的推荐系统中我们知道,如果我们掌握电影的可用特征,则可以训练出每个用户的参数;相反如果我们掌握了用户参数,则可以训练出电影的特征。 那么如果我们既没有用户参数也没有电影特征,可以使用协同过滤算法来同时学习两者...
This first course in the IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate introduces you to Machine Learning and the content of the professional certificate. In this course you will realize the importance of good, quality data. You will learn common techniq
Applied Machine Learning in Python 自己的wish list里面的课程:IBM Machine Learning (Specialization) ...
人工智能基础(IBM): 数据结构与算法(UC San Diego): 金融市场分析(Yale University): ...
IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate ['IBM'] IBM机器学习专业证书 Análisis de Datos de Google Professional Certificate ['Google'] Google数据分析...
-IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate Syllabus WEEK 1 Introduction to Machine Learning In this week, you will learn about applications of Machine Learning in different fields such as health care, banking, telecommunication, and so on. You’ll get a general overview of Machine Learning topics...