The response to my blog post on a 4-year university computer science curriculum made entirely of Coursera’s free online courses has been overwhelming, primarily thanks to the reddit community of /r/programming. The members of /r/programming generated well over 400 comments, almost all of which...
debido a que los usuarioscalifican a Coursera como un portal magníficopara hacer cursos de formación, más que nada por la posibilidad de solicitar ayudas o becas que te permiten acceder a los Coursera free courses.
课程名称 | 金融市场 Financial Market 教学机构 | 耶鲁大学 Yale University 授课教师 |罗伯特·希勒Robe...
1.Coaching Teachers: Promoting Changes that Stick - Match Teacher Residency | Coursera 2.Surviving...