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等到网页完全显示后,在页面最上端会出现 Coursera Together 的横幅。这时点击 Enrol for Free,就可以获得100%的折扣了。如果横幅没有显示,可以尝试刷新页面或者退出再重新进入。看到 Audit only 或 7 days trial 都是不成功的。 步骤四:确认购买 成功的话,你会看到 Purchase Course 全免的提示,点击 continue,进入...
免費的課程在課程的右上角都會有一個免費的標示,像是下圖紅色箭頭所指的地方。若你在個人的帳號設置選擇的語言是繁體中文,就會顯示「免費」,若是英文則會顯示「Free」。 點選你要上的免費課程後,進入課程頁面,你會再看到一個免費註冊的選項,如下圖藍色按鈕,顯示Enroll for free 免費註冊。 點選免費註冊按鈕後,...
2. 在首页 找到 “你想学习什么?”的搜索框,输入上面列表中的课程名称。比如“Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success”,点击搜索图标。可以看到课程上方出现“Coursera Together: enroll today and get this course for free”。然后点击免费注册,上面的日期是你注册当天的日期。
1700 Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Free This course introduces you to the concept of conflict transformation and how it differs from conflict resolution, management, and prevention. We’ll see how conflict offers opportunities for constructive change, and w...
Learn on the go with the Coursera app. Access free and paid online courses, Specializations, certificates and degrees developed by experts from the...
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hat’s next best to attending a top university to study the courses you’re interested in? Taking a free online course from the same top universities, with the option of getting certificates of completion. The range of paid and free online courses on the internet is mind-boggling and confusi...
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