Did you know Coursera has many courses that are still completely free? Class Central has the complete list.
Accounting is often called the language of business. It is this language that organizations use to communicate their economic performance to others. In this course, you will acquire the tools that you need to understand the fundamentals of accounting, the language of business. You will learn to ...
1. Robotics: Aerial RoboticsCoursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities 主讲人:Vijay Kumar(Vijay Kumar Lab ) 这个说是全球最牛的四旋翼飞行器课题组应该不为过,课程主要讲了四旋翼的运动学,牛顿拉格朗日动力学,PID控制,最高到八阶的Min Snap路径规划。 三次作业分别是是 1d, 2d, 3d的四旋翼PD ...
Accounting 和Finance 中涉及一些计算, 算是有些难度, 还是得多练习练习. 作业和考试的难度设定也比较合...
Here atClass Central, we get asked all the time whetherCourseracourses are really free. The Coursera user interface (UI) is designed to push learners towards Coursera’s paid offerings, and it may confuse new learners regarding what’s free on the platform and how to sign up for it. So ...
Free online courses/MOOC aggregator )1.就界面来说,自我2013年头开始接触coursera,它已经换过几次...
Introduction to Finance and Accounting Specialization [4 courses] (Penn) ['University of Pennsylvania'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/finance-accounting 金融与会计入门专业化[4门课程] (宾夕法尼亚大学) 62 Intuit Academy Bookkeeping Professional Certificate ...
In the final course of this certificate, you will apply your skills towards financial statement analysis. If you have the foundational concepts of accounting under your belt, you are ready to put them into action in this course. Here, you will learn how
Advanced Leadership Skills for the 21st Century Specialization [3 courses] (USG) ['University System of Georgia'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/advanced-leadership-skills 世纪高级领导技能专业化【3门课程】(USG) 503 Online Learning Design for Educators Specialization [3 courses] (Macquarie ...
Learn on the go with the Coursera app. Access free and paid online courses, Specializations, certificates and degrees developed by experts from the...