市场&经济&金融 Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I from Columbia 哥伦比亚大学的Perry Mehrling教授是货币银行学、金融理论与政策、金融史等领域的权威人物。他的著作《新伦巴底街-美联储如何成为了最后交易商》非常有名。在这门课里,你会学到金融工程和风险管理的基础知识。 计算机 Algorithmic Thinkin...
非常适合初学者,对深入了解金融市场非常有帮助!🌟 Financial Engineering and Risk Management Specialization 由哥伦比亚大学提供,评分4.4⭐️,包含5个模块。课程内容涵盖衍生品定价、资产配置、资金决策组合优化以及金融工程的其他应用。项目实践包括处理期货、股票等金融问题,如进行delta对冲等。适合有一定数学基础和熟悉...
Financial Engineering and Risk Management Specialization [5 courses] (Columbia) ['Columbia University'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/financialengineering 金融工程与风险管理专业证书 [5门课程] (哥伦比亚大学) 122 Pharmacy Technician Fundamentals ['MedCerts'] https://www.coursera.org/specializatio...
Financial Engineering and Risk Management Specialization (Columbia) ['Columbia University'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/financialengineering 金融工程与风险管理专业化(哥伦比亚大学) Meta Marketing Analytics Professional Certificate ['Meta'] https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/facebook-...
Risk Management coursera.org/specializa 4 yelu financial market coursera.org/learn/fina 1 哥大 金融工程 coursera.org/specializa 5 financial-management coursera.org/specializa 7 nyu machine-learning-reinforcement-finance coursera.org/specializa 4 沃顿finance-accounting coursera.org/specializa 4 沃顿 fina...
Financial Management 财务管理 专项课程 Microeconomics Principles 微观经济学原理 金融、商业,太多了。由...
■Financial Markets from Yale 耶鲁大学教授Robert Shiller是2013年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,当代行为经济学的主要创始人,全世界影响力前100的经济学家之一 ■Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I from Columbia 哥伦比亚大学教授Perry Mehrling是货币银行...
Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field drawing from finance and economics, mathematics, statistics, engineering and computational methods. The emphasis of FE & RM Part I will be on the use of simple stochastic models to price derivative secur
We will also discuss how and why to hedge currency risk, and how to think about a company’s cost of capital when making cross-border investments. WEEK 4 Financial Management of Acquisitions and R&D In Module 4, we will apply the financial management tools that we developed in this course ...
自然还有类似的金融课程:Financial Engineering and Risk Management With regards to programming, we have designed the course so that all required "programming" questions can be completed within Excel. However some questions may be easier to complete using Matlab, R, Python etc. ...