Coursera 上的一门课程价格普遍在 29 ~ 99 美元之间,部分课程和专项系列按照时间收费(每月 59 ~ 79 美元)。这样算下来,以吴恩达的深度学习系列(Deep Learning Specialization)为例:该专项共有 5 门课,总学习量大约需要在 60 ~ 70 小时;该专项系列按月收费,每月 49 美元;假设利用业余时间学习 3 个月就要花费 ...
Andrew Ng(吴恩达)近日在coursera发布了一个deep learning specialization,这个系列一共有5门课,分别是 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Structuring Machine Learning Projects Convolutional Neural Networks Sequence Models 截止到我写...
Coursera 上的一门课程价格普遍在 29 ~ 99 美元之间,部分课程和专项系列按照时间收费(每月 59 ~ 79 美元)。这样算下来,以吴恩达的深度学习系列(Deep Learning Specialization)为例:该专项共有 5 门课,总学习量大约需要在 60 ~ 70 小时;该专项系列按月收费,每月 49 美元;假设利用业余时间学习 3 个月就要花费 ...
A: First, post it on the Errata forum. We will try to implement your feedback as soon as possible. You could also send us an email at Q: My quiz grade displayed is wrong or I have a verification issue or I cannot retake a quiz. What should I do?A: C...
Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning...
This Specialization was updated in April 2021 to include developments in deep learning and programming frameworks. One of the most major changes was shifting from Tensorflow 1 to Tensorflow 2. Also, new materials were added. However, Most of the old online repositories still don't have old codes...
Coursera-Deep-Learning-Specialization-course:此仓库包含Coursera的深度学习专业课程下的所有编程作业Em**l昔 上传 learning tensorflow coursera python3 Coursera深度学习专业课程 此仓库包含Coursera的Andrew Ng的深度学习专业课程的所有编程作业解决方案。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
Specialization is a micro-credential offered by Coursera and is basically a series of intertwined rigorous courses designed to impart deep knowledge of a specific topic or domain. Most specializations have a capstone project as the last course, which is based on real business challenges. Basically,...
This is the fifth and final course of the Deep Learning Specialization. Course 5 of 5 in the Deep Learning Specialization Syllabus WEEK 1 Recurrent Neural Networks Learn about recurrent neural networks. This type of model has been proven to perform extremely well on temporal data. It has sever...
Course 1 of 5 in theDeep Learning Specialization. Syllabus WEEK 1 Introduction to deep learning Be able to explain the major trends driving the rise of deep learning, and understand where and how it is applied today. WEEK 2 Neural Networks Basics ...