用Python玩转数据 Data Processing Using Python 整个课程 主要面向非计算机专业学生,从Python基本语法开始...
[coursera] 首先是密歇根大学的这个系列课,非常适合python玩家入门。2. [coursera] 如果是要往机器学习...
Modeling and Interpreting Data with Python This week you will focus on modeling data with Python and interpreting the model results. You complete a data analytics challenge that applies the knowledge of Python and the application of the OSEMN framework you have gained throughout the course. ...
01_course-summary-of-predictive-modeling-with-python 02:09 02_course-introduction 03:30 03_what-is-power-bi 06:20 04_applications-of-power-bi 02:08 05_installation-of-power-bi-desktop-and-service 06:06 06_working-with-power-bi 04:19 01_data-models 04:24 02_data-modeling-an...
Introduction to Accounting Data Analytics and Visualization Description:This course is designed to help accounting students develop an analytical mindset and prepare them to use data analytic programming languages like Python and R. The course is divided into three sections. In the first section, instru...
非常适合Business & Econ 的同学补充编程和数据科学背景 3⃣️ Data Analysis with R programming by Google (评分:4.8/5) 适合人群:多个BA申研项目要求先修课程;强烈建议完成整个Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate 后再放置于简历,专业认可度高 4⃣️ Data Analysis with Python by IBM (评分:...
Understanding the importance of Python as a data science tool is crucial for anyone aspiring to leverage data effectively. This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the field of data science. This co
https://www.coursera.org/specializations/introduction-data-science 数据科学入门专业化[4门课程] (IBM) 14 Data Science Fundamentals with Python and SQL Specialization [5 courses] (IBM) ['IBM'] https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-science-fundamentals-python-sql ...
Data Analysis Coursera Data Analyst courses include courses on Business Analytics, Big Data, Python Programming, R Programming, Statistical Analysis, Sql, Data Modeling, Data Visualization. Johns Hopkins UniversityData Science4.5 | Specialization | Beginner | 10 Courses | 130 Hours | Coursera Plus Univ...
pythondata-sciencemachine-learningtutorialjupyter-notebookcourseranotebooksgoogle-colabgoogle-colab-notebook UpdatedMar 10, 2022 Jupyter Notebook atinesh-s/Coursera-Machine-Learning-Stanford Star1.1k Machine learning-Stanford University machine-learningcourserastanford-university ...