全部提交完毕后,网站会在15天后告诉你结果,通过后就可以上课了,而且完成后还会发送给你一份正式的结课证书。 看到这,要是能给我赞一个,爱死你了。 关于Coursera的常见问题 关于有没有用,能不能写进CV: 不少研究生申请的网站里包括哈佛,学习经历的一栏里都有online courses的选项,在疫情的影响下,这种方式越来越...
// Certificates are a viable way for you to showcase your achievement (as long as you deem fit) when you successfully finishpaid courseson Coursera. 如果你完成了一个系列的课程,可以把系列证书放在LinkedIn上。单门课的就别往上放了,放一堆闹得慌。 //If you complete a whole specialization, it w...
Udemy、edX 等)的特点在于其与斯坦福大学、杜克大学、帝国理工学院、密歇根大学、微软、IBM等世界顶级院校...
10.What is Data Science?– taught by two IBM data scientists, this beginner-level course goes right back to when the ancient Egyptians first used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection. LinkedIn has just released its mostpopular learning coursestoo ...
LinkedIn: 26.78% Facebook: 26.78% Whatsapp: 6.99% Reddit: 3.80% Others: 9.29% Source:Similar Web. More On Coursera: Are Coursera Courses Accredited? Are Coursera Certificates Worth It? Conclusion: Coursera Has Over 142 Million Registered Learners ...
LinkedIn Learning –Easily accessible professional development with courses taught by industry experts.PricingMost courses present on this platform require an active $49 monthly subscription. A subset of the content is available for free.All premium features can be tested for FREE during the 7-day ...
1.杜克大学的区块链课程 个人评分9/10Duke University blockchain business models https://www.coursera...
Data Science is a hot topic and there are plenty of courses and resources available for anyone interested. Try out these 9 free resources to get started if you are new to the topic or want to refresh on one of the subjects. Data Science ...
is an online learning platform, which engages in the provision of online courses and degrees from universities and companies. It offers arts, chemistry, engineering, food, and nutrition, health, humanities, law, medicine, and music. The firm operates through the following segments: Consumer, ...
The platform partners with universities and companies, including Amazon Web Services, Google and IBM, to provide courses. Users can earn digital certificates to share on their resumes or with their LinkedIn networks. In addition to completing individual courses, users can receive professional ...