Download Coursera app for Android. Start, switch, or advance your career with courses, certificates, and degrees.. ✓ Virus Free
Coursera Offers Free Android App-Making Course.The article offers information on the Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps online course from Coursera Inc.MelissaDistance Education Report
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Intentionally detailed names, so that it will display and sort properly on most interfaces (e.g., VLC or MX Video on Android devices). Regex-based section (week) and lecture name filters to download only certain resources. File format extension filter to grab resource types you want. Login ...
Intentionally detailed names, so that it will display and sort properly on most interfaces (e.g., VLC or MX Video on Android devices). Regex-based section (week) and lecture name filters to download only certain resources. File format extension filter to grab resource types you want. Login ...
We provide an android app developed with Google’s Flutter technology, which includes essential elements like push notifications regarding new courses, reminders, etc. iOS App [ Built with Flutter ] An iOS app is available which is user-friendly with all the features. Hence, users will love the...
设置系统 path, 就是告诉 win10 这个 coursera-dl 命令在哪里.增加一条 C:\Users\pn\AppData\Local...
Specify download path: coursera-dl -n --path=C:\Coursera\Classes\ saas Maintain a list of classes in a dir: Initialize: mkdir -p CURRENT/{class1,class2,..classN} Update: coursera-dl -n --path CURRENT `ls CURRENT` 实验室百兆带宽下载速度只有15kBps,可以想象在线看时会多么的慢了。
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