数理背景 AI/Machine learning 编程语言 SQL SQL for Data Science 传送门: https://www.coursera.org/learn/sql-for-data-sciencewww.coursera.org/learn/sql-for-data-science R Data Science: Foundations using R Specialization 传送门: Python Applied Data Science with Python Specialization 传送门: 还有...
2024年9月14日,在Coursera完成DeepLearning.AI课程《Generative AI for Everyone》(为每个人创造人工智能)。
https://www.coursera.org/specializations/generative-ai-for-everyone 生成式AI基础 41 IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate ['IBM'] https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/ai-engineer IBM人工智能工程专业证书 42 Generative AI for Data Scientists ['IBM'] https://www.coursera.org/specia...
AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical colleagues--to take. Enroll in course MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affi...
人工智能不是工程师的专属。「人人 AI」是一门非技术课程,它将帮您普及人工智能基本技术及其实践,以及目前人工智能技术的边界和局限。最后,您将了解人工智能是如何影响社会的,以及如何在这项技术变革中前行。…
1. AI For Everyone This course will help anyone and everyone learn the basics of artificial intelligence.Skills you’ll gain: Workflow of Machine Learning projects, AI terminology, Workflow of Data Science projects, AI strategy 2. Science Of Well-Being ...
1️⃣《AI for Everyone》- 吴恩达(Andrew Ng)大佬出品的给每个人的AI入门课。- 适合任何人观看,一共5个课时,强推👍初学者观看。- 课程放在coursera上,现在免费!- 你将学到:生成式AI的工作原理和常见用例,思考生成式AI项目的生命周期,以及AI为个人、企业和社会带来的潜在机会和风险。---2️⃣《Introd...
- IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate - AI Foundations for Everyone Specialization - Key Technologies for Business Specialization - IBM AI Foundations for Business Specialization What You Will Learn - Understand what is AI, its applications and use cases and how it is transforming our lives - Ex...
3. IBM AI Foundations for Business [Best AI Certification on Coursera] This specialization is meant to be for business leaders considering using Artificial Intelligence in their businesses and the difficulties and the conversion the AI can make on people’s lives. You will use some terms like mac...
This option earns you a specialization certificate in the career-specific skill you want to master. Lessons last between four and six months. Price: $39–$79/month. As long as your subscription is active, you will have access to all of the courses’ materials for each course in that speci...