The full-stack project aims to provide a course recommendation system to students of Columbia University based on their previous course selection, track interests and program checklist.User Interface DesignCore FunctionsAmbiguous SearchSearch avaiable courses by keywords (Name, CourseID, Lecturer, Tag)....
Welcome to the guidelines for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Course Recommendation System. To utilize this source code, please follow the steps outlined below. TVET-CRS Python Code: TVET-CRS.ipynb Dataset: Tvet_data.xlsx Step 1: Import Python Libraries: Imports necess...
Best Combination of Machine Learning Algorithms for Course Recommendation System in E-learning Data Mining is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large database which can be used in various commercial applications like bioinformatics, E-commerce etc. Association Rule, classification and ...
Thanks to the innovative progress of deep learning, people apply it to recommendation system [16]. Different from the traditional recommendation model, deep learning can collect nonlinear and important user project relationships and can use higher-level data to digitize complex abstract code. In the ...
This paper discusses the design and evaluation of Folksemantic, a system that integrates OpenCourseWare search, Open Educational Resource "more like this" recommendations, and personalized recommendation functionality into a single open source project. Ongoing research is described....
Our project aims to help any new learner get the right course to learn by just answering a few questions. It is an intelligent course recommendation system. Hence we had to scrap data from few educational websites. This is data scrapped from Coursera website. Data This dataset contains ...
in data science are your trump card to achieving your dream job. Become one of the expert practitioners with our most updated teaching techniques as we include the most important business technologies such as Machine learning, Deep learning, Natural Language Processing, Recommendation Systems, and ...
Movie Recommendation Recommend the best movie based on the user's taste. This hands-on Apache Spark project, along with using the MLlib, includes the creation of collaborative filtering, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.
Project structure Base Contains some basic modules and the base classes for different Recommender types. Base.Evaluation The Evaluator class is used to evaluate a recommender object. It computes various metrics: Accuracy metrics: ROC_AUC, PRECISION, RECALL, MAP, MRR, NDCG, F1, HIT_RATE, ARHR ...
This is the official repository for the 2018 Recommender Systems course at Polimi. 0 stars 71 forks Star Watch Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights master 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code Clone HTTPS GitHub CLI Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. ...