Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization References (0) Cited by (0)* Assistant Director of Pharmacy Services, Education & Research Division, Jefferson Medical College Hospital and Instructor in Hospital ...
Advice From a Walrus: As pharmacy charts its course for the future, our leadership must begin to work in unison, while promoting ethnic and cultural diversity within our profession and the health care system.doi:10.1016/S1086-5802(16)31180-9Gibson...
Pharmaceutical botany and pharmacognosy is an important specialized course for students majoring in pharmacy. 药用植物学与生药学是药学专业重要的专业课。 5. Veterinary parasitology is an important specialized course in veterinary medicine. 《动物寄生虫病学》是动物医学专业的重要专业课。
ScienceDirect: ScienceDirect是一个领先的全文科学数据库,提供涵盖物理科学、生命科学、健康科学、社会科学和人文科学的期刊文章和书籍章节。 Mock Hospital Ward Multi-Functional Lab OSCE Suite Pharmacy Dispensary 药房供所有年级的药学学生使用,包...
The pharmacy practicum is a six semester consecutive course sequence that was implemented as part of our four-year professional degree program. Each semester features the same overall design whereby groups of 10-12 students are assigned to a faculty mentor for three years. These students are engage...
Cell senescence is a natural response within our organisms. Initially, it was considered an effective anti-tumor mechanism. However, it is now believed tha
1. Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology Scholarships:The Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in Iran offers scholarships to exceptional students, including those pursuing PhD programs. These scholarships are typically awarded based on academic merit and research potential....
A Comparison of Parametric and Non-Parametric Methods Applied to a Likert Scale. Pharmacy (Basel). 2017;5(2):26. Article Google Scholar Drake RL, Pawlina W. Multimodal education in anatomy: The perfect opportunity. Anat Sci Educ. 2014;7(1):1–2. Article Google Scholar Meyer JJ, Obm...
A comparison of medical and pharmacy students' knowledge and skills of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy Aim Pharmacotherapy might be improved if future pharmacists and physicians receive a joint educational programme in pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. ... CJPW Keijsers,JRBJ Brouwers,DJ De Wildt,....
The purpose of this paper is to describe a design for a course in ethnopharmacology offered through a pharmacy school. The course was developed in response to the growing public interest in medicinal plants and alternative medicine and is intended to foster global-oriented thinking and multiculturalis...