This paper describes some of our efforts in infusing the critical thinking skill of comparing and contrasting into a course on data structures. Comparing and contrasting is the process of looking at similarities and differences in order to reveal important characteristics of two objects, systems, ...
DataStructures 2017-2-21 3/9 ◆RequiredTextbook:Structures,AlgorithmAnalysis,theelectronicbook.CourseMaterial ◆RecommendedReferenceTextbook:1.APracticalIntroductiontoDataStrcutresandAlgorithmAnalysis,CliffordA.Shaffer.2.<<数据结构(C语言版)>>,严蔚敏,吴伟民编著,清华大学出版社。DataStructures 2017-2-21 4/9 ...
2017-2-21 Data Structures 14/9 Abstract Data Types (ADT) An abstract data type is the realization of a data type as a software component. The interface of the ADT is defined in terms of a types and a set of operations on that type. The behavior of each operation is determined by ...
The course on Data Structures and Algorithms is foundation for Computer Science Engineering. A different approach is adopted for postgraduate (PG) students... C Sujatha,GN Jayalaxmi,GK Suvarna - IEEE 被引量: 1发表: 2012年 A Matrix Math Library for Java a Java-based framework that provides ...
Next, you'll delve into data analysis and how to use common data structures, such as lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. Additionally, you'll learn how to use these structures and apply these skills to widely available stock market data. Finally, you'll explore pygal, a Python library...
In view of characteristic of data structure,such as superior in theory and practical,abundant and abstract content,and difficulty in applying theory into p... DX Wang,HU Xue-Gang,YH Zhang,... 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 Curriculum Design of Algorithms and Data Structures Based on Creative Thinking...
coursestructuresdata天府locnsearch Course2:SearchingCourse2:Searching2西南财经大学天府学院VocabularyVocabularysequentialsearch顺序查找element元素order次序binarysearch二分查找target目标algorithm算法array数组location位置object对象,目标parameter参数index下标,索引,指针sentinel哨兵probability概率key关键字hash散列,杂凑collision冲突...
This paper first examines the status quo of education of China and then focuses on how to increase the outcome of the curriculum of Data Structures and Algorithms. It highlights deficiencies in the current teaching methods in this course, and evaluates how to integrate contemporary effective teaching...
A structure field can contain any kind of data, even another structure—why ever not? Thus we can create a structure course of courses taken by students, where one field is the name of the course, and another field is a student structure with information on all the students taking that pa...