Despite significant global reductions in cases of pneumonia during the last 3 decades, pneumonia remains the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality in ch
The problem, however remains challenging even after massive amounts of money have been spent on its solution. This study is based on a critical review of the literature and primary data collected through different search engines such as Google Scholar and ScienceDirect from 2019 to 2023. The ...
Using data from 1984 to 2021, this study explores the potential environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) link between Vietnam's GDP and coal consumption, considering the influence of renewable energy consumption and oil prices. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is applied to determine the ...
In bipolar disorder, 40–60% of patients suffer from cognitive disturbances [9]. Neurocognitive endophenotypes are found in unaffected relatives of people with schizophrenia, but the data on patients with bipolar disorder are less clear: One study did not detect neurocognitive endophenotypes in unaffect...
Nayohteavtheaat wide σ2 is range of positive and negative values unknown, and therefore we assigned depending on the a non-informative Zellner's constant Jeffrey's prior13,21, sopmf(σtah)lele=lrikvσe1alliwuhehosioctdhhaasnnudglagtrehgseetrsabothnoavetes.tphTrehioeprrmsowbaraigtbhiinlri...
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the causal agent of Ash Dieback (ADB), has been introduced to eastern Europe in the 1990s from where it spread causing decline in European ash populations. However, the genetic basis of the molecular response in tolerant and susc
The following research questions guide the investigation of this study: 1. Does the gamified course significantly affect pre-service teachers' confidence in technology integration, intention to adopt gamification, and motivation to explore emerging technologies for teaching? 2. Does gender significantly ...
Due to the exploratory nature of this study, a post hoc analysis was performed for cortisol (primary ana- lyte of interest), which determined an effect size of 0.29. 13 European Journal of Applied Physiology (2023) 123:1727–1738 Results Subject characteristics Participants' (n = 8) age...
METHODS Study participants Data were drawn from the LBC1936, a longitudinal study of relatively healthy older adults born in 1936. LBC1936 was designed to follow up some participants of the Scottish Mental Survey 1947 – a nationwide general cognitive test carried out among all 1936-born children...
In the current study, we performed a time-course analysis to advance in the understanding of early ADB resistance mechanisms by revealing the dynamic immune response of ash trees in leaves of susceptible and tolerant genotypes. The typical infection ofF. excelsiorwithH. fraxineusoccurs via the lea...