{ "meta": { "code": 200 }, "data": { "estimated_delivery_dates": [ { "slug": "bjshomedelivery", "service_type_name": "{service_type_name}", "origin_address": { "country": "USA", "state": "WA", "postal_code": "98108", "raw_location": "Seattle, Washington, 98108, USA...
Amazon didn’t offer much insight whenasked how the company felt looking back on its use of the Fleetfoot couriers in Seattle, what led to the decision to stop using them and what’s next for Prime Now here and elsewhere. “We continue to evaluate and test our operations for Prime Now ...
Seattle and Eastside St. Louis, MO Tampa, FL Washington DC metro While the Cloud Cam works without any additional costs, customers can pay extra for subscription services that offer longer access to video clips. Costs range from $7 to $20 a month, depending on how long clips can be viewed...