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Last word I had from the office, it looked like payment had been received for the other five jobs. Guess it was just your chip that didn't make it."(Johnson Nash's dialogue) ↑ The Courier: "He canceled?"Johnson Nash: "Yeah, got this look when he saw you next down on the ...
What open question in fundamental physics would you most like to see answered in your lifetime? I am going to have to pick two. I would really like to understand the nature of dark matter. There are a wide range of possibilities, and we are addressing this question from multiple angles;...
One of the foremost reasons is that native speakers, seeking better jobs, education, and career opportunities, begin using the dominant language instead of their own. For example, Badeshi is left with only three speakers, while Abom, an African language, has only 15 speakers remaining. In Am...
for the motorcycle who wants to apply for this job be aware that VERY SOON DX, ITS GONNA BE CALL ONE DX that means they will not going to have any motorcycle courier at all and all the jobs it will be doing by vans. PLUS they don't pay you for: multi-drops, attempt jobs, for ...
I have been blessed to shelter these precious objects for a long time, and now they need to go back. I may have been unconsciously coming to this conclusion for a while. The Navajo Chief’s blanket has been tucked in a closet for years, not hanging on a wall. The Paiute Shoshone ...
Others quickly followed suit, allowing me to communicate instantly for the first time. In 2003 I had a cochlear implant installed. When I couldn’t hear, I was treated completely like everyone else. I didn’t sense any discrimination. It taught me to be positive and to believe in myself ...
Automation and AI are widespread, relegating even “white collar” jobs to history. Economic inequality accelerated to the extremes as the tech barons of today are the dominating figures of the future. Technology, ubiquitous today, is inescapable in the future. Burn-In is a thought-provoking ...
“It confronted me with the gap between what you observe and reality. I feel it was the same kind of gap I faced while working for Interstellar. I had to study a lot to understand the physics of black holes and curved space time.” A great part of visual effects is understanding how ...
You know, I haven’t done real particle physics for a long time. Colliders fall into two categories: high-precision e+e– colliders and high-energy proton–proton ones. So the question is: do we need a precision Higgs factory at the TeV scale or do we want to search for new phenomen...