Art and Courage is an artist's call to action. It challenges readers to trust in their creative dreams even in the face of adversity, and reveals how real artists, dancers, musicians, writers, and others successfully faced their fears and found their true calling. In this emotionally charged...
I believe in Quality (in Edwards Deming’s sense of the word) by Consensus and that it is the critical ingredient that is lacking in the modern corporation whose absence keeps us from making the vital switch that diverts the runaway death train of modern corporate capitalism from the washed ...
TED演讲稿 中英对照 你不必强迫自己积极向上 The gift and power of emotion courage.pdf,TED 你不必强迫⾃⼰积极向上 题⽬:The gift and power of emotion courage 作者: Susan David Sawubona. In South Africa, where I come from, sawubona is the Zulu word for
Those who have never suffered from shyness are incapable of understanding to what point it can ruin our lives and make us un- happy. Self assurance, confidence and ease of expression are the main qualities of a magnetic personality. If being shy is forcing you to hide Page 3 behind a shel...
Bullyingisintentionallytormenting(折磨)inphysicalorpsychologicalways.ltcanrangefrom hitting,name-calling,threats,andmocking(嘲弄)toblackmailingmoneyandpossessions.Some kidsbullyothersbydeliberatelyseparatingthemandspreadingrumorsaboutthem.Othersuse socialmediaorelectronicmessagingtoteaseothersorhurttheirfeelings. It'simp...
Whether you are parenting your 5-year-old, playing the violin, performing heart surgery, selling advertising, or trying to get a date, there is no substitute for superior technique. In this lesson you will learn the mental toughness practice of competence as applied to key relationships. The ...
W:Hi,Adam.ThisisLisa.Howareyoudoing? M:Notbad.What’sup? W:I’mcallingtoaskifyouwouldliketocometomypartyonDecember22nd.Thatisaweekfromnow. M:I’mnotsure.Youknow,theholidayisaroundthecornerandI’mfullyoccupied.IhaveaclientfromBathcomingtoLondontomorrowandthenI’llhavetotakehimtoEdinburghtovisito...