coupon meaning, definition, what is coupon: a small piece of printed paper that give...: Learn more.
Definition of coupon in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is coupon? Meaning of coupon as a finance term. What does coupon mean in finance?
Definition of Coupon in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Coupon? Meaning of Coupon as a legal term. What does Coupon mean in law?
According to the Etymology Online Dictionary, the term first appeared in the English language meaning a ‘certificate of interest due on a bond’ in 1822. It was a certificate that the owner could cut from the bond and present for payment. The word came from FrenchCoupon, which means ‘a ...
Definition of coupon noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
❷The meaning of this couplet? 这副对联是什么意思吧? ❸They already put out the new year's gatepost couplet? Is not it too early? 他们已经贴出新年门联了,不是太早了一点吗? PS: 其实"票据"用得最多的是一下两个词汇: receipt和invoice。...
coupon sheet meaning, definition, what is coupon sheet: a number of coupons attached to a bond: Learn more.
You might have heard the lyrics “Bic, Bic, Bic, BicCamera” before from the advertising jingle played in the store’s entrance. “Bic” comes from a Balinese dialect that means to “have a heavily implied meaning” unlike the common misconception that it means “big.” BicCamera hoped to...
The zero can also have the same meaning as a circle. The circle symbolizes infinity, completeness, and wholeness, the circle of life and the eternal unknown. You the dreamer may have come to a greater degree of spiritual awareness, and the dream could be spiritual in nature. However, as ...
international reply coupon meaning, definition, what is international reply coupon: a piece of paper that you can send when ...: Learn more.