journal of couples therapy stages of intimacydoi:10.1300/j036v01n02_03Charles E HansenSusan V HansenM
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emotionally focused couple therapymilitarytraumaMilitary families face specific challenges related to military service, deployments, separations, and coming together. The process of reintegration back to civilian life can be challenged by posttraumatic stress and other readjustment difficulties that can affect...
Implications are discussed for families and couples coping with the stress of war and its aftermath.doi:10.1300/J036v03n04_19ColeCharles LeeJournal of Couples Therapy
Gottlieb, Charles DGottlieb, Diane TJournal of Couples TherapyGottlieb, C., & Gottlieb, D. (1990). The marital cotherapist team as a reflecting team in couples' therapy. Journal of Couples Therapy, 1,67-76.Gottlieb, C. , & Gottlieb, D. ( 1990 ). The marital cotherapist team as a ...