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Counseling psychology Exploring the relationship between marital expectations and marital satisfaction between married African immigrant couples and United States born married couples UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Andrew P. Daire NgazimbiEvadne EMarriage is still considered a universal institution in many ...
Couples’ voluntary HIV counseling and testing IPV: Intimate partner violence IQR: Interquartile range MSM: Men who have sex with men NVAWS: National violence against women survey RCT: Randomized controlled trial UAI: Unprotected anal intercourse.References...
Orlando, FL: Academic. Google Scholar McMahon, M. (1995). Engendering motherhood: Identity and self-transformation in women’ s lives. New York: Guilford. Google Scholar Morgan, S. P. (1996). Characteristic features of modern American fertility. Population and Development Review, 22, 19–...