The results of the sixth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP) are currently being analyzed and will form the basis of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. Since its creation in the mid90s, CMIP has had an increasing influence on climate research. While the principle behind it...
文档标签: Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 40CMIP5 464646 系统标签: intercomparison coupled stenchikov project model stratosphere JOURNALOFGEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL.???,XXXX,DOI:10.1029/, CoupledModelIntercomparisonProject5(CMIP5) SimulationsofClimateFollowingVolcanicEruptions SimonDriscoll, 1 AlessioBozzo...
Interest in the WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project – Phase 3 (CMIP3) simulations coordinated by the Working Group on Coupled Modeling (WGCM) continues unabated, with several thousand registered users of the data and nearly 600 peer-reviewed publications in leading climate journals at...
In climatology, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is the analog of AMIP for global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models. CMIP began in 1995 under the auspices of the Working Group on Coupled Modeling (WGCM), which is in turn under auspices of CLIVAR and the Joint...
内容提示: Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) - an Overview of ActivitiesVeronika EyringDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany1-2 November 2016WGCM-20 University of Princeton, USA ...
(2003), An overview of results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), Global Planet. Change, 37, 103 - 133.Covey C, AchutaRao KM, Cubasch U, Jones P, Lambert SJ, Mann ME, Phillips TJ, Taylor KE. 2003. An overview of results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison ...
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established to study and intercompare climate simulations made with coupled ocean-atmosphere-cryosphere-land GCMs. There are two main phases (CMIP1 and CMIP2), which study, respectively, 1) the ability of models to simulate current climate, and...
Overview of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) experimental design and organization. By coordinating the design and distribution of global climate model simulations of the past, current, and future climate, the Coupled Model Intercomparison... E Veronika,B Sandrine,GA Meehl,....
This study explores the increasing NWA summertime rainfall trends in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models. By using a suite of models that contributed realizations of the historical period with various forcings, we explore the impact to this region of greenhouse gases and ...
Considering the climate change impacts in South Asia, we develop a bias-corrected dataset of daily precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures using output from 13 GCMs that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-6 (CMIP6). The 13 GCMs were selected based on the availability ...