In the year between 2014 to 2015 when this study was conducted, Koibatek sub-County had a total of 5206 expected pregnancies out of whom 129 were identified as HIV positive. It ranked 20th out of 47 counties in Kenya with the highest positivity rate at first PCR of 6.8% as compared to...
Conflicts occurred throughout the year, with June to July having the highest number of incidents. Rainfall, distance from the Tsavo national parks, and human population density were used as covariates to explain HEC patterns. This study seeks to provide a detailed evaluation of the spatial–...
According to Kamweti (2009), Kenya is among the countries in Africa with the highest loss of vegetation cover, with 90% of the country’s indigenous forests having been lost. Drivers of deforestation in Nginda Ward include Kathangariri Tea Factory which consumes an estimated 1,200,000 m3of...
We therefore sought to determine vaccination coverage of Pentavalent 3, estimate the travel time to health facilities offering immunisation services, and explore its effect on immunisation coverage in one of the predominantly rural counties on the coast of Kenya. Methods We used longitudinal survey ...
Salim Ali Hussein, Department of Health Management and Informatics, School of Public Health, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya Abstract Introduction:diabetes mellitus (DM) causes 1% of the mortality in Kenya and 2% of the population in Kenya has diabetes mellitus. Embu County was the 5thleading ...
1). In the Kenya's 2009 national population census, the sub-County has a rural population of 94,115, with both the KNBSFootnote 1 and CRAFootnote 2 2015 estimates being 105,879, out of whom 22,488 were smallholders distributed in each Ward as 6297 (Ilkerin); 5599 (Kapsasian), 4205...
The study conducted literature review in order to establish the link with past studies. The study reviewed several models on SMEs growth; stages model, static model, strategic management perspective and stochastic model. The target population under study was the licensed furniture manufacturer SMEs by...
Impact of conflict on pastoral communities' resilience in the Horn of Africa: Case studies from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda In December 2011, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through the office of its Country Representative in Kenya (FAOKEN) comm... Odhiambo,M....
The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Scientific Steering and Ethical Review Committees of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Study area and population The study was conducted in Mwaluphamba Location, Matuga District in Kwale County in South Coast, Kenya an area where ...
Kenya’s small ruminant herd stands at 29.5 million sheep and goats, with Turkana County small ruminant herd accounting for 32.2% of small ruminants in the country, with a population of 9.5 million head (KNBS2010). The Turkana pastoralists in Kenya rely heavily on small stock as sources of ...