Tax Collector The Tax Collector's office is responsible for the collection of property taxes. Property Tax Postponement The program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes on their principal residence if they meet certain criteria inclu...
Please complete the quick survey below, your responses and ideas will help us provide customer-centered public service that is better, faster, and more fiscally prudent. 1.Did you find what you were looking for? Yes No If no, please tell us what you were looking for but could not find ...
San Bernardino County may drop treasurer/tax collector position to save money Describes the records of the Commissioners Court, County Judge, County Clerk, County Court, District Clerk, Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Tax Assessor-Collector, County Treasurer, Auditor, County School Superintendent, and...
County treasurer-tax collector: Housing market is looking upSAMANTHA HENRY
San Bernardino County may drop treasurer/tax collector position to save moneyJoe Nelson
1. Consolidation of Services within the TTC Brett R. Barbre, Chief Assistant Treasurer-Tax Collector 2. Updated Refund Process Walter Daniels, Assistant Treasurer-Tax Collector – Tax Collection 3. Updated Payment Methods Kim Hansen, Cash Manager ...
To process your payment using a MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or Discover Card, our third party vendor charges a convenience fee of 2.25% (minimum of $1.95) for credit cards. The convenience fee is not retained by the Tax Collector. Make Payment Treasurer The Treasurer's office ...
Sainz, Pablo Jaime
2. If the operatorfiles the applicatiopnermittedto be filed by Section G-V 5.9, twenty (20)daysafter the Tax Administrator's determinatien of the amount of tax te be remitted pursuantto Sectien G-V 5.9, unless the operatorfiles an appeal pursuantto Section G-V 5.10.E. CHRISTINA DABIS...
An Investment Pool Widens.(Dan McAllister, treasurer and tax collector, San Diego County, California)KuehnerHebert, Katie