The County and CAL FIRE are offering sandbags to residents and businesses in the unincorporated areas as another round of storms prepares to hit the region on New Year’s Eve. The storm is expected to bring heavy rain and high winds.
from Ventura and Palmdale towards the north to Beaumont and San Clemente areas in the south. We are driven to make LA County Sandbags the most customer-responsive supplier of erosion-control products and services in the greater Los Angeles area. We hire and train our production, delivery, and...
County Sandbags Again for Stalwart FewMark Schlinkmann Regional Political Correspondent
Asa series of storms fueled by a strong atmospheric rivertakes aim at the North Bay, the Napa County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday announced that sandbag locations are stocked and ready to go for the bad weather headed to the Bay Area. Citing the National Weather Service, the Sheriff's Of...
The County of San Diego is once again teaming up with the San Diego County Futures Foundation to brighten the holidays for local children in foster care.
The Town of Sand Lake is embarking on its most ambitious park enhancement initiative to date, the Sand Lake Improved Parks Project (SLIPP). This project, a collaboration between the town, Averill Park Youth Soccer, Assemblyman Scott Bendett’s office, and the generous donation of land from Re...
21. Newly available recreational data from the Mendocino, San Francisco and Central GMAs for the second week of August showed double the estimated recreational take and indicated the 2023 quillback rockfish harvest limit specified in federal regulations has been exceeded. This additional in-season ...
Ford soon began corresponding with the Presbytery of San Francisco in the hopes of obtaining a full-time Presbyterian pastor for Mendocino. In the fall of 1859, a petition formally requested a Presbyterian church for Mendocino. It was signed by eight members: Peter Kelley and his wife, ...
Although residents of coastal areas such as Los Angeles, the Bay Area and San Diego have been led to believe they are being sub- ject to water restrictions due to the drought, Please see NUNES on P. 14 Page 14 NUNES cont. from P. 13 that's not actually true. As in the Valley, ...