LA Business Connect can assist with the filing of your DBA/Fictitious Business Name, so that you can avoid having to take time from your busy schedule to do it yourself. Once your Fictitious Business Name Statement (also known as a DBA) is filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk, we will...
A DBA is designed to inform the public. One would need to be filed for any business name that does not fully disclose the identity of the owners. Learn more.
The central conceit (a 10-dollar theater-word that means 'the underlying fictitious assumption which must be accepted by the audience with suspension of disbelief so the plot may be seen as plausible) of the play is that two newly reunited brothers recount their recent discovery of each other....
A DBA is designed to inform the public. One would need to be filed for any business name that does not fully disclose the identity of the owners. Learn more.