In 2008, the Humboldt County Transition Age Youth Collaboration (HCTAYC) was launched in partnership with the County's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), theY.O.U.T.H. Training Project, California YouthConnection, and Youth In Mind. Theoverarching goal of this initiative is to ...
We are great community partners with Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services. We couldn’t have done that without them. And so it’s really a team effort. It’s not just the city going in. The connections with the county and with some local community-based organizations ...
“This pandemic has been anything but typical. In fact, it’s been the longest activation in Humboldt County history, and it’s not over yet, even though the EOC is shutting down,” Derby said. “We feel confident that Public Health can continue to provide the level of services required ...
Reproductive health care rally hits courthouse – Times-Standard This Friday, local supporters and advocates met on the steps of the Humboldt County courthouse to rally in support of reproductive rights as the Superior Court prepared to entertain a motion to dismiss California v. Providence St. Jose...
HCDTF - Humboldt County Drug Task Force. Looking for abbreviations of HCDTF? It is Humboldt County Drug Task Force. Humboldt County Drug Task Force listed as HCDTF
Our counties are participants in the Northern California “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas law enforcement consortium comprised of Humboldt, Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties. At no time...
“This isn’t just about the dams getting removed from the river, they’re getting removed from our culture and our way of life,” said Frankie Myers, vice chair of the Yurok Tribe, which has a reservation in Humboldt and Del Norte counties where the Klamath drains to the Pacific. “The...
1.5.25Rio Dell City Council Meeting Tues Jan. 7th 6pm-Agenda Packetincludes election of Mayor, grant application for regional food hub at Humboldt Rio Dell Business Park and more... 12.31.24Series of shootings around Humboldt County this weekend ...
Education includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Forest Science from Humboldt State University and completion of the graduate level, Advanced Program in Forest Ecology and Silviculture at UC Berkley. Alan worked for the US Forest Service for over 36 years as a forester in a variety of positions. He ...
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hendrix College High Tech University of Telecommunication Hiram College Hofstra University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hood College Hope College Humboldt State University Huron University Idaho State University ...