Basically, the law changed the focus of welfare from providing a safety net to moving people toward employment. This research evaluated the Calworks welfare-to-work program, the Food Stamps temporary assistance program, and the Medi-Cal health coverage program in Fresno County. A history of ...
Medi-Cal now considers income, not assets, of enrolless - CA Health Care Foundation this impacts seniors told to spend down their resources to qualify for long-term care assistance and others 6.24.24 Diminishing returns: CA's unclaimed bottle deposits hit $820m as recycling centers close - K...
financial sustainability and organizational development. An example of organizational development that I am most proud of is the Leadership Initiative, started by a small group of 40 county heroes that wrote and presented a Leadership Philosophy to the Board of Supervisors and the whole County organiza...
A.Larson.The February meeting of the Fresno County Medi-cal Society was held February 5 at the nurses' homeof the General Hospital of Fresno County, with thefollowing members present:Cross, Couey, Miller,Ingram,Stein, Wilson, Kjaerbye, Dixon, Jamgot-chian,J.R. Walker, Wiese, Vanderburg,G...