County fair blue ribbon winner shares tomato sauce secrets By Steve CecilSteve Cecil
The electoral college votes should be set up such that 2 are winner take all within the state (represents the senate) and the rest should be winner for each district within the state (represents the house of representatives). This would make every vote count for much more. For example, my...
---Coached Esther Peller Church to NYS High Jump Championship in Special Olympics ---Winner WGCSD Womens' Doubles Tennis Championship (with Julie Wilcox) in 1977 ---Inducted to Watkins Glen Athletic HALL OF FAME in 1994. Jean had a marvelous wit and humor, loved to write poems to commemora...
Watkins Glen High School Principal Kyle Colunio has been appointed as the next superintendent of the South Seneca Central School District. Colunio will temporarily remain in his role at WGHS while the school transitions to new leadership. The Watkins district, said WGCSD Superintendent Kai D'Alleva...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Everyone's a Winner County Fair Talent Show Performers Are Cream of the Crop" by Findlay, Melynda - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), July 27, 2004Findlay, Melynda
Kane County Fair Talent Winner Takes First Place in Springfield -BYLN- Submitted by Pat Szpewkowski
Boone County Fair recruiting cuties: Pageant winner will serve as fair grand marshalClint Thomas
Upland Resident a Regular Winner at L.A. County FairEmerson, Sandra
FAIR NEWS ; Winfield Middle School Student a Repeat Winner at Putnam County Fair; 4-Her Adds First Place in 304-348-5188Pampering a pig named Princess has paid off for a Winfield...Calwell, Ben
Think twice before challenging 15-year-old Alex Bayless to apickle-eating contest. On...LlopisJepsen, Celia