Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Approve $12.4 Million for Affordable Housing Development, $2.6 Million for Long Beach ProjectYee, Greg
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a motion waiving parking fees for Chinatown residents displaced by an apparent arson in September. "These residents have endured so much and have navigated a very difficult tragedy," said Supervisor Hilda Solis,...
Los Angeles County voters will determine whether to approve Measure G, an amendment that would change the makeup of the Board of Supervisors by nearly doubling its five seats to nine, a move proponents say will better provide residents with adequate representation. ...
L.A. County’s Board of Supervisors took its first major step Tuesday towardbuying Gas Company Tower, one of the most prominent office skyscrapers in downtown Los Angeles. The looming purchase could move workers and public services out of existing county offices, including th...
Los Angeles County supervisors gave qualified approval to a plan to study the creation of a county department to manage homeless services.
SIGN UP SUPPORTER SOCIAL MEDIA KIT A LIFETIME OF PUBLIC SERVICE A mother, grandmother, and former classroom teacher, Janice Hahn was elected to the County Board of Supervisors to serve the people of Los Angeles County's 4th District. Throughout her career from the classroom to the LA City ...
“We welcome the motion by Supervisors Barger and Horvath,” said Arthur Kokozian, Los Angeles Council Regional Committee Member of the Armenian Assembly of America. “We greatly appreciate the ongoing support of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in the face of...
Los Angeles County,Board Of Supervisors地理位置及简介 地址:500 W Temple St(Grand & Temple) 去洛杉矶旅游过的还喜欢的其他热门旅游城市: 洛杉矶地图纽约地图旧金山地图拉斯维加斯地图华盛顿地图波士顿地图奥兰多地图芝加哥地图加州圣地亚哥地图费城地图西雅图地图美国尼亚加拉瀑布城地图大峡谷国家公园地图迈阿密地图圣巴巴拉...
The homeless population was once largely confined to downtown LA’s notorious Skid Row, but encampments have spread widely, including within sight of City Hall and the Hall of Administration, where the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meets. ...
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to calculate the total cost of allegations against members of sheriff’s deputy cliques or gangs over...