The attorney who was interviewing Lydia Boydston for a front desk position at his small firm wanted to be certain she could handle the most unpleasant things the job could throw at her, so he didn’t mince words. “People don’t come to us when life is going well,” he warned. “The...
True Guarnieri Ayer, LLP, has 30 years of experience taking on cases right here in Frankfort. Call our firm today for a free appointment: 502-783-7662.
Secondly, when looking for an attorney try to make sure they are available whenever needed. This is important because many attorneys work on cases scattered all over the place as well as trying their best not miss any days of work so that they can keep raising rates at their law firm. It...
Picking the right bankruptcy attorney in Richmond, KY, is essential, as not every lawyer is the same. Be sure to look for an attorney that puts your needs and goals first, makes themselves available to you throughout the process, and works diligently to achieve a favorable result. At Bunch...