sumcalculates and displays a checksum for each inputfile. A checksum is an error-checking technique used by many programs as a quick way to compare files that have been moved from one location to another to ensure that no data has been lost. It also displays the number of 512-byte blocks...
cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. - lloydchang/AlDanial-cloc
Calculating the total read count as the sum of the two haplotypic counts and assuming weak cis-regulatory effects, we derived an approximately linear model for the logarithm of the haplotypic and total read counts (see details in Methods and Supplementary Notes 1). In practice, we only observe...
func_timeout 用法 fun counts,Function函数对象1.函数的特点1.用function代表函数2.没有返回类型,有returnxxx;3.参数随意,根据调用时去处理用户的参数4.函数默认对象arguments,所有参数都存在arguments中2.函数类型-Function每个函数都是Function类型的实例,所以函数具
cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages. - hushaoge/cloc
The value of M models the direct effect of chemotherapy, and is the counterpart of the term \(\frac{{e}_{max}{X}_{tgn}}{{e}_{C50}+{X}_{tgn}}\) in (2). The value of the drug input function at time t, \(d(t)\), equals the last 6 MP dose administered during the last...
\begin{aligned} \ell (\varvec{\theta }\ |\ x_{\mathrm{p}},\ldots , x_1)\ =\ \sum _{t=\mathrm{p}+1}^T \ln {p\big (x_t | x_{t-1}, \ldots , x_{t-\mathrm{p}}\big )}, \end{aligned} where\varvec{\theta }represents the vector of model parameters. This implem...
32 78 sed 3 1 7 31 NAnt script 2 1 0 30 IDL 1 0 0 24 PHP 1 11 2 24 Lisp 3 1 4 20 SKILL 1 8 15 16 --- SUM: 15556 900921 1284892 5831741 --- Unix> cat everything.file ---