(Nation 指的是一群共享共同特征的人,包括文化、语言、历史,并且通常有一种身份认同或归属感。它代表了一个共同意识的群体。) State: The term "state" has multiple meanings depending on the context. In a general sense, a state refers to a political entity that exercises authority and governance over...
英国首相府官网上更曾称呼英国为countrieswithinacountry。 此外,我们知道Guam(关岛)是美国的领地,但澳大利亚政府外交部门的官网上有专门的Guamcountrybrief,里面则提到Guamisaself-governingterritoryoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica。显然,这里的country需作无主权的“地区”理解。 不过,这种表示“地区”的用法虽然存在,但为了照...
英国首相府官网上更曾称呼英国为countries within a country。 此外,我们知道Guam(关岛)是美国的领地,但澳大利亚政府外交部门的官网上有专门的Guam country brief,里面则提到Guam is a self-governingterritoryof the United States of America。显然,这里的country需作无主权的“地区”理解。 不过,这种表示“地区”的...
lie(lain)in:在于,位于;part of:一部分;within that of:在……之中;staying in:待在……地方。 结果一 题目 Ironically, in the United States, a country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems. There was often (1) between each established group of (2) and ...
此外,我们知道Guam(关岛)是美国的领地,但澳大利亚政府外交部门的官网上有专门的Guam country brief,里面则提到Guam is a self-governing territory of the United States of America。显然,这里的country需作无主权的“地区”理解。 不过,这种表示“地区”的用法虽然存在,但为了照顾一些约定俗成的习惯和避免不必要的争...
United StatesThis article reviews the relatively new and emerging issue of children from the United States being placed in intercountry adoption. It specifically explores current practices of intercountry adoption involving the United States as a country of origin within the framework of the 1993 ...
经典例子:英国是由四个不同country联合构成,从图2可一目了然 countries of the United Kingdom。再举个栗子:犹太人亡国1800多年后建立了以色列,国家country虽然消亡很久很久,但民族nation却一直未灭。 The Jewish was a nation without a State before 1948, but now Israel is a nation-states....
In fact, in line with past experience, capital expenditure in the oil sector has dropped sharply in many producing countries, including the United States. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 In addition, other factors are putting downward pressure on oil prices: change in the strategic behavior of the Organi...
Different to our country, the United States from the founding of the beginning of the focus on practical, as its most important task to cultivate qualified citizens. With other countries, the United States is a nation of immigrants. First national countries. Gradually formed in the struggle befor...
So when the United States carries out its so-called "freedom of navigation assertions" in the South China Sea, it's not because China is blocking navigation. China is not being aggressive; the United States is being aggressive, and playing the role of "world policeman." The United States ...