With the Netherlands, France, the UK, Italy, and Germany all being significant users of bikes globally. Although China remains the largest producer in the world, the Netherlands leads the race 1 for the most for the highest number of bicycles per capita. Calculating a bike per capita is the...
As expected, income per capita has a statistically significant effect on the increase in motorcycle ownership in Dhaka. Motorcycle ownership is known to increase with increases in income until a certain income threshold, beyond which they may start falling (when people switch to owning a car, Nish...
Fig. 5 provides normalized fines (by GNI per capita) for speed limit violation based on excess speed to the speed limit. It was found that most countries do not change the fine in accordance with road type; in this case, the exceptions are DEU, JPN, and CHN. DEU differs fines in case...
Di solito, si ottiene un guadagno più alto nel fine settimana e per cena. Finora mi è capitato di ricevere da 4€ a 13€ per fare una consegna in bicicletta (mance, incentivi e paga base inclusa). Tutto sommato devo dire che non è un brutto lavoro e se sei uno studente ti dà...
I estimate the expected number of recorded traffic violations for each driver, using driver demographic characteristics, personal income, driving distance to work, the number of traffic accidents in which the driver was involved, and car characteristics as the explanatory variables. The individual PTC ...
With regard to the location of the social impacts, Fig. 5 shows that more than 22% of work-related accidents linked to UPV/EHU activity are likely to be linked to socioeconomic activities outside the University, and surely also outside the Basque Country, to a great extent. In the case...