/static/countries/or to/static/countries.jsonwill return all the countries with country code, name, capital, region [32.5 kb] [countries] [{ "code": "NP", "code3": "NPL", "name": "Nepal", "capital": "Kathmandu", "region": "Asia", "subregion": "Southern Asia", "dialCode": ...
country code,简称zh,icon,语言对应的Json (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 MO_Eye_Index_VB 2024-10-25 19:08:13 积分:1 AnimatePalette 2024-10-25 18:08:09 积分:1 Math_Cacl1107 2024-10-25 17:08:09 积分:1 python:编写数据分析代码 生成数据,写入表格,从表格中读取数据,数据展示,数据排序 计算数据最...
The raw JSON like this: constjson=require('country-region-data/data.json'); Note I slipped into CJS there - node lets you read JSON files by default, so if you want in es6 format (import json from X), you'll need to configure your system (webpack, rollup etc.) with a loader/plu...
Country list with dial code and flag country flag dial code phone npm javascript necessarylion published5.0.6•20 days agopublished 5.0.6 20 days ago M Q P countries-list Continents & countries: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, name, ISO 639-1 languages, capital, currency, native name, phone....
Letter and numeric codes associated with their location (country, dependent territory or special areas of geographical interest) in different computer formats. python php json csv sql xml iso country countries yml codes country-codes country-code iso-3166-1-alpha-3 iso-3166-1-alpha-2 countries-co...
countryList.json [{"ccc":"93","countryCode":"AF","currencyCode":"AFN","currencySymbol":"؋","name":"Afghanistan"},{"ccc":"355","countryCode":"AL","currencyCode":"ALL","currencySymbol":"Lek","name":"Albania"},{"ccc":"213","countryCode":"DZ","currencyCode":"DZD","currenc...
The name or code of the country. C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("COUNTRY")] public const string Country; Field Value String Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used accordi...
Accurate country information with Countrylayer, a reliable real-time country data API. Get data in lightweight JSON format for your business needs. Try now!
constcountry=require("country-code-flag-phone-extension-json");country.all();// Return all the country with full detailed object Filter Countries by ISO2 Code Filter country by country codes constcountry=require("country-code-flag-phone-extension-json");country.all({filter:["IN","US"],});...
I would really appreciate if I can get any assistance with it. Also if any more information about the project, here's the github link for the project so far:https://github.com/CGUltimateno/Covid-globe json angular typescript three.js ...