Polastri, AlessioPawlita, SebastianAsia, Southeast SoutheastSea, AndamanWin, General NePeace, StateCouncil, DevelopmentGovernment, TheAsia, Southeast SoutheastWorld Health Organization. Myanmar Country Profile. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2005....
Each profile offers comprehensive news and analysis, as well as the ability to drill down into data on schedules, capacity share, fleet, traffic, financial results and more.Become a CAPA Member Our full profiles are only available to CAPA Members. CAPA Membership provides exclusive access to the...
缅甸国家介绍-Myanmar Country Profile 缅甸联邦,亚洲 Union of Myanmar (MYA) 首都:仰光 ┆ 官方语言:缅甸语 ┆ 面积:676,580平方公里 主要货币:缅元 ┆ 国际电话区号:95 简介 缅甸领土面积67.6581万平方公里,位于中南半岛的西部,在西藏高原和马来半岛之间,西北与印度和孟加拉国接壤,东北与中国为邻,东南与老挝、泰...
Myanmar has one of the least developed insurance markets in Asia, and a result of this was seen in the aftermath of last year’s devastating cyclone that hit the country. There is only one licensed insurer, while some foreign insurance companies with business dealings there had withdrawn from ...
There are 12 domestic private insurers, one stateowned insurer and 22 foreign representative insurers in Myanmar today. Both regulator and domestic insurers have benefitted from the presence of the foreign players and the collaboration among them all is
public static final CountryIsoCode MYANMAR Country ISO code MM.NAMIBIA public static final CountryIsoCode NAMIBIA Country ISO code NA.NAURU public static final CountryIsoCode NAURU Country ISO code NR.NEPAL public static final CountryIsoCode NEPAL Country ISO code NP.NETHERLANDS...
bordered by 14 countries, neighboring to 8 countries. It border North Korea and Russia to the northeast, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the northwest, Mongolia due north, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the west, India, Nepal and Bhutan to the southwest, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the...
public static final CountryIsoCode MYANMAR Country ISO code MM.NAMIBIA public static final CountryIsoCode NAMIBIA Country ISO code NA.NAURU public static final CountryIsoCode NAURU Country ISO code NR.NEPAL public static final CountryIsoCode NEPAL Country ISO code NP.NETHERLANDS...
Myanmar: Country Forecast: Political Framework.Presents information on the political conditions of Myanmar. List of cabinet officers; Profile of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi; Foreign relations.EBSCO_bspPolitical Risk Yearbook: Myanmar Country Report...
public static final CountryIsoCode MYANMAR Country ISO code MM.NAMIBIA public static final CountryIsoCode NAMIBIA Country ISO code NA.NAURU public static final CountryIsoCode NAURU Country ISO code NR.NEPAL public static final CountryIsoCode NEPAL Country ISO code NP.NETHERLANDS...