USA Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL USA area codes. Country codes and Area codes for USA made easy!Akron area codes,Albany area codes,Alexandria area codes,Alexandria area codes,All Cities in Alaska area codes,All Cities in is a database of various important country codes of all countries in the world.Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes so easy!
From the USA/Canada: For calls to most countries dial the following:011 - Country code - National subscriber number For calls tocountries within the North American Numbering Plandial:1 - National subscriber number, same as dialing a US state to state call (note that you may incur international...
Put down your phone book, stop calling the operator, and use CountryCallingCodes any time you make a long distance call or need to provide your friend, family or customer with the correct international dialing codes. Country Calling Codeswas founded in 2000 as a free resource to find ...
National Destination Code (NDC): Area code, service number code or mobile code. *** Subscriber’s Number (SN): The actual destination – unique within the NDC. Please find more information on number types and formats on our phone number page. Share Post comment Your email address will ...
Country Codes, Area codes, Calling codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone Codes, ISO codes How to use the dialling code to call a mobile telephone or a landline telephone : - If you are looking to travel or make a call to a foreign country then you will need to know the inter...
Force(Joule/Meter, Centinewton...) Pressure(Decibar, Inch of air...) Astronomical(Miles, Light-Year...) Country/City Maps Statistics Country Profile Rank Order Flags of the World Domains Extension Ascii/Codepage Web Colors Speed Test
Country Codes, also known as Dialling Codes or Access Codes, determine the country of a phone number. For example, 001 is the country code of USA, 007 is the country code of Russia, 031 is the country code for the Netherlands, 0091 is the country code for India, etc. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST...
Put down your phone book, stop calling the operator, and use CountryCallingCodes any time you make a long distance call or need to provide your friend, family or customer with the correct international dialing codes. Country Calling Codes was founded in 2000 as a free resource to find...>>United States Country Code 1 | US | USA | .us LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019 Country Codes of the United States of America Telephone: +1 2 Letter: US 3 Letter: USA ISO 3116-1 Numeric: 764 ISO 3116-2: US