countries code,phone code, world timeCountries and Regions 国家或地区 countries code Telephone code World time Angola 安哥拉 AO 244 -7 Afghanistan 阿富汗 AF 93 0 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AL 355 -7 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 DZ 213 -8 Andorra 安道尔共和国 AD 376 -8 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 AI 1264 -12...
When dialling a landline number from another area within China or from a Chinese mobile phone, a 0 prefix is used before the area code. When calling from a landline in the same area or from abroad, the 0 prefix is not required. For example, to call a number in Beijing XXXXXXXX from ...
To call China dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, then China’s country code of ’86’, then the local phone number. Remove any leading ‘0’ or ‘+’ from the phone number.
static final CountryPhoneCode CHILE static final CountryPhoneCode CHINA static final CountryPhoneCode CHRISTMAS_ISLAND static final CountryPhoneCode COCOS_KEELING_ISLANDS static final CountryPhoneCode COLOMBIA static final CountryPhoneCode COMOROS static final CountryPhoneCode C...
China phone card country calling code is 86. To call China from the U.S. dial: 011 + 86 + City Code + Phone Number
China: +86 Read About:Cell Phone Options for Expats Country Code List – Alphabetical Listing by Country or Region Country, Territory, or Service AreasCountry Calling CodesTime ZoneDST Abkhazia+7 840, +7 940UTC+03:00 Afghanistan+93UTC+04:30 ...
Force(Joule/Meter, Centinewton...) Pressure(Decibar, Inch of air...) Astronomical(Miles, Light-Year...) Country/City Maps Statistics Country Profile Rank Order Flags of the World Domains Extension Ascii/Codepage Web Colors Speed Test
国家,区号,电话号码 CHN是CHINA 的缩写 至于区号的话“如南京是025,蚌埠是0552。。。”你的电话的话...我在想你的问题是不是这个意思就是:0086-0552-1234567?
static final CountryPhoneCode CANADA static final CountryPhoneCode CAYMAN_ISLANDS static final CountryPhoneCode CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryPhoneCode CHAD static final CountryPhoneCode CHILE static final CountryPhoneCode CHINA static final CountryPhoneCode CHRISTMAS_ISLAND static fin...
static final CountryPhoneCode CANADA static final CountryPhoneCode CAYMAN_ISLANDS static final CountryPhoneCode CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryPhoneCode CHAD static final CountryPhoneCode CHILE static final CountryPhoneCode CHINA static final CountryPhoneCode CHRISTMAS_ISLAND static fin...