Germany is an important world-level market for fresh fruit Spain and Italy are the main suppliers offresh fruit on the German market while the main imported products are apple, grapes, peaches and oranges. The aim of this paper is to assess the role the country of origin plays in the pref...
aI have some apples and some oranges. 我食用有些苹果和有些桔子。[translate] aMaking roam for the harrows to come 做漫游为了耙能来[translate] aLeft country of origin 左发源国[translate]
country of origin country park country people country risk country rock country seat country singer country store country team Country-base country-born country-bred country-dance countryfied countryfolk country-fried countryish countryman countryseat countryside Countryside Agency country-soul country-style...
We cherish the colorful heritage of "the old country"-- whether it's from our own family's country of origin or not. Our enduring affection for European country style is part of that romantic perspective. So is our love of furnishings from other cultures around the globe, from Eastern ...
Wines from Chile, oranges from Spain, autos from Germany and rock stars from the USA. What makes them special? This chapter examines the impact of the country of origin of products on consumers' product evaluations. The relevance of this topic was recognized as long ago as the 1960s in ...
orange tree. On the tree there are many fine oranges. One of them is very, very big. It is as big as a football. Nobody sees so big an orange. The poor man is very pleased. He takes it to the king. The king is so pleased that he gives the man a lot o money for it.[...
This scenario sheds light on the fact that in the current state of globally integrated supply chains, knowledge about the country of origin or country of manufacture is not as transparent. The logical question that follows is: Does the country of origin still have an impact on product quality,...
According to some Belizean historians, the origin is unclear but there is a possibility that it is derived from a Maya word, “belix” which means “muddy water”. Others have suggested that it is derived from a Spanish pronunciation of the name of the Scottish buccaneer Peter Wallace, ...
"Always write kindly of my adopted country. Roumania needs friends. Come here often and try to understand it." - Queen Marie of Roumania
“We will not ratify the free-trade treaty with Canada because it protects only a small part of our PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) products,” Gian Marco Centinaio told Italian newspaper La Stampa Thursday, according to comments reported by Reuter...