over the report "U.S.--Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements," particularly for beef and pork. One of the measures questioned by Canada and Mexico is the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946. Also challenged by Mexico is the Interim Final Rule on Mandatory Country of Origin ...
Canada Retaliates against U.S. Country of Origin Labelling RequirementsStevenson, Michael
US—CertainCountryofOriginLabelling(COOL)Requirements是什么意思?美国对于原产国标签的要求?网上搜不到这个东东。哪位大侠知道,拜托了。有悬赏分的。... US — Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements 是什么意思?美国对于原产国标签的要求?网上搜不到这个东东。哪位大侠知道,拜托了。有悬赏分的。
Food Labelling had agreed not to undertake new workoncountry of originlabelling and that consideration of this Agenda Item should be discontinued. codexalimentarius.org codexalimentarius.org 食典委注意到,食品标签委员会同意就原产国标签方面不再开展新的工作,停 止审议这一议题。
Strict compliance has costs that may drive smaller operators out of business, which was never the intent of the law. For particular commodities and markets, it makes no economic sense to impose strict labelling requirements. If labelling increases the prices of essential commodities, a short term ...
custom ofthecountry,anyadditional details about presentation of the mandatory information and detailed differences if any in the labelling requirements e.g. in relation to class names, declaration of added water,declaration of origin. codexalimentarius.org ...
This construction of an image is based on many factors, including race, religion, natio... SR Neils - 《Dissertations & Theses Gradworks》 被引量: 1发表: 2009年 A COOL Repeal: Potential Outcomes of U.S. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Requirements on Dairy and Beef Sectors In ...
COOL AKA country of origin labelling was first metioned in 2002 the US farm bill, at that time, it is a voluntary program. In 2008, it became mandatory, requires the processors or producers of some certain goods in the US, mainly meat products and dairy to label where they ...
In the run-up to the entry into force of specific rules on country of origin labelling for primary ingredients, the CJEU has recently clarified both the concept of the “country of origin” under the FIC Regulation and its interplay with other regulation
COOContinuity of Operations COOCertificate Of Origin COOCell of Original COOChief Operating Officer COOConception Orientée Objet(French: Object-Oriented Design; software development) COOCentre for Overweight and Obesity(Australia) COOChief Ordnance Officer(UK) ...