Share country ‘cite’ 僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of country Remove Ads 廣告 Want to remove ads? Login to see fewer ads, and become a Premium Member to remove all ads. Trending 1.grok 2.farrago 4.mission 5.checkmate 6.horn 7....
of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of...
而Odzor Thai Barbecue和Meeting Buffet BBQ則提供美味的燒烤料理。如果您喜歡健康飲品,FRUIT PULSE Healthy Juice Bar是您的不二之選。此外,Origin Cafe Chiang Mai和Chantra Khiri Chalet也提供多樣化的餐點選擇。如果您想享受美食的同時欣賞美景,不妨到The Higher Room Restaurant品嚐一頓豪華的餐點。
AI-生成翻譯。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning ofin-country in-country附近的字典條目 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。 關閉 關於 來源 介紹和解釋 ...
而Odzor Thai Barbecue和Meeting Buffet BBQ則提供美味的燒烤料理。如果您喜歡健康飲品,FRUIT PULSE Healthy Juice Bar是您的不二之選。此外,Origin Cafe Chiang Mai和Chantra Khiri Chalet也提供多樣化的餐點選擇。如果您想享受美食的同時欣賞美景,不妨到The Higher Room Restaurant品嚐一頓豪華的餐點。