Related to North American country:South America ThesaurusAntonymsRelatedWordsSynonymsLegend: Switchtonew thesaurus Noun1.NorthAmericancountry-anycountryontheNorthAmericancontinent North American nation country,land,state-theterritoryoccupiedby anation;"hereturnedtothelandofhisbirth";"hevisitedseveralEuropeancountrie...
NORTH_KOREA public static final CountryPhoneCode NORTH_KOREA NORWAY public static final CountryPhoneCode NORWAY OMAN public static final CountryPhoneCode OMAN PAKISTAN public static final CountryPhoneCode PAKISTAN PALAU public static final CountryPhoneCode PALAU ...
NORTH_KOREA public static final CountryPhoneCode NORTH_KOREA Country phone code +850.NORWAY public static final CountryPhoneCode NORWAY Country phone code +47.OMAN public static final CountryPhoneCode OMAN Country phone code +968.PAKISTAN public static final CountryPhoneCode PAKISTAN Country phone code...
Pakistan / English Qatar / English Qatar / اللغة العربية Tunisia / Français Tunisia / اللغة العربية Asia Pacific China / 简体中文 Japan / 日本語 Malaysia / English
North Korea geoCountryNorway 177 Norway geoCountryPakistan 190 Pakistan geoCountryPanama 192 Panama geoCountryParaguay 185 Paraguay geoCountryPeru 187 Peru geoCountryPoland 191 Poland geoCountryPuertoRico 202 Puerto Rico geoCountryPortugal 193 Portugal ...
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private ImageView ivFlag; private TextView tvName; private TextView tvCode; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ivFlag = (ImageView) findView...
It's election year around the world, and this map of 2024 global elections by country shows just how many people will be impacted.
“on merit,” rather than in response to the amnesty provisions of the NRO, and so, under Swiss law, cannot be reopened, even at Pakistan’s request. However, that has not satisfied the Supreme Court, which has demanded that Minister of Law Masood Chishti present evidence of a good-...
Iran (pronounced ee-RAHN), formerly known as Persia, is situated at the crossroads of Central Asia, South Asia, and the Arab states of the Middle East.
NORTH_KOREA public static final CountryPhoneCode NORTH_KOREA Country phone code +850.NORWAY public static final CountryPhoneCode NORWAY Country phone code +47.OMAN public static final CountryPhoneCode OMAN Country phone code +968.PAKISTAN public static final CountryPhoneCode PAKISTAN Country phone code...